A wise man once said, “Every person created was created for a solution, to solve a problem. No matter how big or how small,”. When was the last time you were certain of your purpose in life? When was the last time you found yourself doing something that you knew was what you were created to do? Chances are most people haven’t been that certain of their purpose or true existence since childhood.

I firmly believe that everyone is born into this world with certain God-given gifts. Those gifts tend to manifest in childhood and either blossom into adulthood or become stifled and choked by the cares of the world. A majority of adults can look back into their past and recall a time when they were naturally good at one thing or another and couldn’t see themselves doing anything in life except that one thing. For me, it was writing. For you? It could have been singing, organizing or caring for the needy. Regardless of what it was, it was something to bring about a solution in the world.


If we are fortunate enough, we’ll throw off the bondage of societal ideals and take up the torch for what we once had a passion for, come hell or high water. Rediscovering your true purpose in life is never difficult or a burden. It’s simply letting go and allowing it to take you with the current to your ultimate destination while never worrying about the highs and lows of the journey. It’s those volatile moments when we remain calm and steadfast that reaffirms that what we are doing and where we are is what is supposed to be. Because no matter how difficult the circumstances, we desire to continue.

Ask yourself this, when you were young, what were you most good at, naturally? What did you have a passion for and saw yourself doing in life regardless of whether you made income from it or not? What could you not stop yourself from doing regardless of how tired you were? Whatever answer you came up with, that was your purpose.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but don’t allow it to distract you from your true purpose.

If you’re not fulfilling your purpose, then there’s a problem out there in the world that isn’t being solved, no matter how small. It may not be ending world hunger or curing cancer, but it’s important. It could be as little as making someone happy through your painting. That happiness could change the course of that person’s day and that particular day could have changed someone else’s life. Nothing is insignificant.

Now, while I don’t advocate for recklessness and implore you to suddenly quit your job, I will encourage you to start small. Perhaps run your fingers over the surface of that passion. You’ll find that not only is it still there just below the surface, but it will naturally come back to you no matter how long you’ve been away. It has always been there and will always be there, waiting to be remembered and embraced.


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