It sounds a bit silly that something so small and seemingly trivial can be the key to your success and happiness, but it’s true. Sticky notes can possibly hold the key to whether you pass an exam, succeed at creating a successful blog or even losing weight.

Sticky notes are small sheets of paper that come in various colors and hues from neons to pastels. We use sticky notes to remember things, send personal notes, and to remind ourselves of something that needs to be completed. These are usually small tasks. The lightweight gems are then placed on surfaces that allow us to view them frequently so that we are always reminded of one thing or another. Because we are now visually alerted by their constant presence, the need to accomplish whatever task is written thereon grows stronger. Thus reducing procrastination and actually getting things done.

Productivity level rises when you use sticky notes.

If it’s all about being alerted to complete tasks, why not use a phone app and set alerts?

Writing tasks on a sheet of sticky notes and placing them in plain sight is supremely more effective than a phone notification for various reasons. It’s been noted by psychologists, psychiatrists, and other authoritative professions on human mental and social workings that there is an actual mental link that occurs when we put pen to paper our intentions that makes accomplishing those tasks far more successful. Studies have even been conducted in which they have found that individuals who used sticky notes were far more likely to accomplish those tasks and in a quicker manner than those who did not. Setting alerts do not have that same type of effect. You might even say that here is an example of technology hindering and not helping.

The second reason would be the fact that these sticky notes are in locations where you are constantly seeing them. Unlike an alert where we see once and shut off, sticky notes are always reminding us of their presence and therefore the uncompleted task. It’s that constant reminder that sticky notes have that a phone alert does not have that keeps us motivated.

You will find that accomplishing theses written tasks and doing away with that sticky note will leave you with an immense sense of accomplishment, no matter how little the task was. These little steps eventually lead to a long journey and before you realize it, you’ve hit a milestone. It will sometimes feel like magic. Simply writing things onto a sticky note will begin to give you the confidence that it is guaranteed to come to pass. After more and more tasks are accomplished, you will find yourself eager to do more, accomplish more, reach higher, and dream bigger.

A great thing about them is that they aren’t limited to success in business. You could be seeking success in a certain relationship, your health, or mental state. You can use them as a reminder to eat certain things and stay away from others, remind yourself to drink more water, write personal notes to those you love (or don’t care much for), or write positive things about yourself and place them on a mirror to boost your confidence. The ideas are nearly endless.

Productivity level rises when you use sticky notes as reminders. Successful people understand the power of writing down goals and do it frequently. Sometimes all we need are those little nudges from sincerely yours.


Click the post-it images above to get started on the road to success!


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