It’s the overlooked things in life that our subconscious grabs onto and forces our decisions. It’s those small details that slip through the cracks of the conscious minds yet are having one of the greatest impacts on how we view and feel about ourselves and how others view and feel about us.

Growing up I was able to pick up on what the average person would overlook. It helped me succeed in areas where others failed. It gave me an edge over the competition in a sea of similar faces, races, and resumes. Yet, I had that sparkle that garnered unearned attention. I figured out a long time ago that there were three things that had to be of high quality, or at least look of high quality on my person wherever I ventured out. My watch, my handbag/wallet, and my shoes. While two of those are a necessity, one is considered an accessory and therefore “optional”.

However, a watch is anything but optional. It’s a true necessity for success in life. How so? For one, the most basic effect of wearing one is the sudden boost in confidence and self-importance. You look and seem like a person of importance, someone who has their life together, and someone who knows what they want and how to get it. Whether this is true or not, doesn’t matter. That feeling it gives you is enough to start moving you in that direction. Additionally, how people subconsciously view you as well tends to lean towards someone of higher standing. Of course, this all hinges upon the style of watch. You wouldn’t wear a Sports watch to a board meeting, would you? Just make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion.


I have a friend who wore the same watch for every occasion. It was a chunky and clunky looking black sports watch. There were times when it was okay to wear and there were times when it was highly inappropriate, like at a wedding, to which he wore and with a very nice slim fitted black suit. Whenever I looked at him I could feel my insides screaming at the ridiculousness of such an obtrusive object hanging off the side of his arm next to a perfectly polished suit. He was later given a Daniel Wellington Classic Black Sheffield as a birthday gift and his life hasn’t been the same since. As far as I can tell, he appears more confident wherever he goes. He once mentioned how people seem nicer to him all of a sudden. I could only assume that it ‘s because they assume he’s well off when they spot his timepiece. Sounds like a nice problem to have.

Due to the rise of technology (smartphones, in particular), watch wearing has been in decline. It’s not uncommon to hear the excuse, “A watch for what? I just use my phone”. But, I have yet to meet a successful person who doesn’t wear one. It matters. It matters in the way it gives us the confidence to take on the world. It matters in the way people are more accommodating to you because of their perception of you. These seemingly small experiences make it easier for you to pass barriers of entry. Where one person may be denied access, the probability of you being accepted increases.

It should be noted that all successful people wear watches all the time. You will never catch Jeff Bezos (richest man on Earth) with a naked wrist.

Click any of the watches above for more detail. Just remember, a classic looking watch can go a long way.


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